25 Nov. (venue: Seminar room, ISVR, Southampton) a) Dr Ben Thornber : Ben was here to present his work on large-eddy simulations of shock-induced turbulent mixing. Ben is an exciting young guy. His enthusiasm seeemed to rub off on the audience. He focussed more on fundamental numerical techniques in his talk - especially relating the numerical dissipation in finite difference simulations to entropy generation in some sense. what attracted me is the feasibility of using accurate finite difference methods for magneto hydrodynamic simulations of supernovae. Ben is very jovial person too and I spoke to him at length about Cranfield university, where he is based as a Research Fellow in the Fluid Mechanics and Computational Science group. Cranfield is a post-graduate university for science, technology, engineering and management. Ben is based in the Department of Aerospace sciences, which is composed of a few hand-picked PhD and post-docs. Cranfield e...